Hip Hop

Hip Hop
Beginning Hip Hop on Tuesdays at 4:30 with Rachel Beck
Beginning Hip Hop Tuesdays at 5:30 with Krista Ellensohn
Intermediate Hip Hop Tuesdays at 6:30 with Krista Ellensohn
Advanced Hip Hop Tuesdays at 7:30 Krista Ellensohn
This class will introduce young students to the history of Hip-Hop culture with basic moves for the novice dancer. The style encompasses the movements of break-dancing and body-popping with a concentration on footwork. The focus of this class is to build a solid foundation to execute popular dance moves to original choreography. Warm up includes isolations, hard-hitting exercises and a breakdown of the highly energetic routine to build stamina and musicality.
Intermediate Hip Hop continues to build upon the basic principles of hip-hop dance and teaches age-appropriate choreography featured in today’s popular music videos. Each class focuses on combining street dance with funk and jazz, similar to what you would see in televised dance performances or music videos. Dancers will learn about the culture of hip-hop and all of its elements including basic footwork, freezes and more.
An advanced choreographed dance class focusing on stylized Hip Hop. A dynamic, fast-paced dance extravaganza that will have you taking your Hip Hop style to the next level. As seen on TV and music videos, Hip Hop is a blend of today’s high energy “Street Style” Movement. Typically performed to popular music, this style has been highly sought after by anyone wanting to break out of the box of traditional dance. Develops power, personal style and agility by teaching a routine that builds momentum and repeats dance combinations rising in intensity. Considerable prior dance experience is recommended.
Enrolling in dance classes or signing up your child for dance comes with questions and artistic director Lizzie Mackenzie is here to answer them! Fill out the form below and Lizzie will reach out to you directly with answers to any questions, or to set up a tour of our facilities.
30-minute class: $30/month 45-minute class: $45/month 1-hour class: $60/month 1.25-hour class: $75/month 1.5-hour class: $90/month Read More
Thanksgiving break: Monday November 25-Sunday December 1, 2019
Winter break: Monday December 23-Sunday January 5, 2020
Spring break: Saturday April 4, 2020-Friday April 10, 2020
Memorial Day: Monday, May 25, 2020
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Dress codes are established to promote learning and unity within a classroom setting. Please read our complete dress code to help ensure your child is dressed appropriately for his or her dance classes. Find complete dress code information when you register for classes on line.