Each company has their own requirements in terms of how many class hours they must take/week and how many rehearsal hours they have/week. Extensions Dance Company: Petite Company starts at 4 class hours/week with our older members committing to 9+ class hours/week. Included with Extensions Dance Company’s tuition the dancers receive unlimited classes at Extensions at a 30%+ discount. In addition to class hours members of Extensions Dance Company have rehearsal and coaching hours for the choreographed pieces they are part of. Chicago City Classical Ballet: Members of our resident classical company commit to a minimum of 10.5 class training hours/week as well as private lessons in both classical & contemporary work. Kidz Movin’ Hip Hop Crew: Our newest company, the hip hip company commits to a minimum of 1 Hip Hop class/week and a 1+ hour rehearsal/week. Find out more about our companies here: