Mundelein High School | Age 19
Awards & Recognitions
- Artists Simply Human 2020, multiple judges choice award soloist
- MBM short films productions “To: Mom” and “Joy Ride”
- Excellence of academic achievement 2020
Sasha is going into her fifth year at Extensions Dance Company, and her second year at Mundelein High School. Always being an excellent student, Sasha has been a proud recipient of an Excellence of Academic Achievement Award signed by the federal government for her consistent effort put forth in all her classes.
Outside of dance, she enjoys to cook, hang out with her friends, act, create short films, and spend time with her family.
Sasha has been dancing since three years old, and it has been her biggest passion ever since. She has trained at multiple summer intensives including Elements Contemporary Ballet Intensives, the Extensions Summer Dance Intensives, as well as ASH Summer Intensive. During ASH Nationals in 2019, Sasha was awarded the incredible opportunity to be a part of the ASH Company, where she was to travel to a total of 5 cities with the faculty including; Jojo Gomez, Dusty Button, Hannah Wintrode, Tovaris Wilson. D.J. Smart. etc. Unfortunately, Sasha‘s experience with the ASH Company was cut short due to COVID-19. However, she continued her rigorous training with Extensions via zoom, which really helped her find a newborn gratitude for her love of dance, and overall elevated her strive and passion for true excellence.
Getting experience from all the incredibly talented teachers at Extensions Dance has been amazing for her growth as a dancer and person. The Extensions Dance Company is like a giant family where she has made so many long lasting friendships over the past years and can’t wait to make more.
This year Sasha is really looking forward to the choreography being set by Lizzie Mackenzie, Taylor Mitchell, Craig Black, Jackie Nowicki, Hanna Brictson, Jared Baker, and Katlin Bourgeois. To be taught by these amazing choreographers will be an absolutely enlightening experience for her, even with the overcoming obstacle of masks and keeping everyone safe and COVID free!