Nathan Hale Elementary School | Age 15
Awards & Recognitions
- Junior Miss Headliner 2021, 1st overall soloist
- ASH standout routine award 2020, Judges choice soloist 2022
- Ignite Dance Live and Golden Ticket Scholarship at Starbound
Melissa is currently a seventh grader at Jane Addams Junior High in Schaumburg, IL. This year ballroom company was a new addition to our studio. She is really enjoying it and happy to be part of it. Meli is very grateful to have Lizzie MacKenzie, Lauren Brown and all of the staff that is part of Exd company that helps her become a better artist. She finds a lot of support and is very thankful for the opportunity to be part of this studio. Melissa is grateful to have her friends and family, dogs, Lizzie and many more. When Melissa is not dancing, she enjoys face timing her friends, shopping and hanging out with her dogs, friends and family. She is looking to forward to the new year of dance!