Melissa is 9 years old and is in fourth grade at Nathan Hale elementary school in Schaumburg, IL. This is her 5th year with Extensions Dance Company and third year as a Too! member. This year she will be learning two variations to compete for the first time at YAGP with Chicago City Classical Ballet under the direction of Tatyana Mazur.
When Melissa isn’t dancing in the studio you can find her still dancing at home putting on performances for family and friends. She really enjoys practicing her craft as she continues to blossom as a dancer. Melissa loves spending time with her dance friends whom are now family, drawing and making TikTok videos.
Melissa is grateful for all of the support and dedication from her family and instructors at Exd. They encourage her to always try harder and to put forth her best. Thank you Lizzie MacKenzie for all you do and for creating such a great team!