Rowe Middle School | Age 13
Awards & Recognitions
- One of the top students in her class
- First place soloist 2021 Rainbow Dance Competition 3rd place soloist 2021
- Warrior Princess Girl worship team
Leyah is in the 6th grade at Rowe Middle School. She started dancing at the tender age of 3 at Hamlin Park. Leyah has been with Extensions since she was 4yrs old, this is her 4th year as a Extensions Company member. When Leyah is not in dance she likes to play with her brother, cook with her Dad and go to the mall with friends. She feels very grateful and excited for this year and all that’s to come.
Leyah says ” Lizzie is my forever dance mom” she is thankful for Lizzie and she feels very inspired by her. Leyah likes to push herself and work hard. Her favorite styles of dance are Jazz and Contemporary. She is grateful to be back in the studio dancing with her dance family.