Bennett Day School | Age 9
Cadence Lyric Wells is a musical ball of energy, and she enjoys finding the beat within any environment, whether through the art of writing, singing, dancing, or playing instruments. At school, you will see her creating stories, sewing, coding, and practicing her lines for her Tin Man role in the Wizard of Oz. At home, you may find Cadence making a beat on dad’s drum machine or choreographing the next fashion show for her barbies with mom. If you happen to be at Target, you might also come across Cadence’s picture on a LeapFrog Chat & Count box, still circulating, from when she was 3yrs old. All in all, she loves performing! When Cadence is not dance training, swimming laps, or learning tricks in her aerial arts class, you may find her distracted with Roblox. She is ecstatic to be on Extensions Petite Company, and absolutely loves her fellow dance peers!