Oswego East High School | Age 22
Angelina Lenzer is currently a Senior at Oswego East High School and is starting her second year at Extensions. Angelina grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to Illinois her Sophomore year of high school. She trained at one another studio in the chicagoland area before joining Extensions where she is focusing on ballet, contemporary, and modern. Her junior year was cut short due to the pandemic so she took the time to focus on herself and train online as much as she could. She had the opportunity to attend Jacob’s Pillow Contemporary Program and train with the faculty virtually for 3 weeks. During 2019, Angelina was accepted into and attended Juilliard’s Summer Intensive in New York City. During these intensives she had the chance to dive deeper into her artistry and really hown in on who she is as a dancer and person. When Angelina is not at the studio you can find her watching Netflix with her family, taking pictures, or out exploring her surroundings with friends! Looking into her future, she is hoping to live in New York City and travel the world with a professional dance company. Angelina is extremely blessed and grateful to be a part of such a generous and loving dance family at Extensions and is looking forward to the new season!